Lumerians - Transmalinnia (New CD)
2011 release from the Oakland based quintet, an immersive odyssey beyond the senses five. Inspired by the transcendental visions of artist and poet Eugene Von Bruenchenchein, the album takes it's name from his cosmic finger-painting that illuminates the cover. While Transmalinnia's sound palette evokes primitive analog witchery, Lumerians hunger for the future. As sensitive to texture and repetition as an electronic act, the band is propelled by voodoo rhythms, stripped-down organ psych and fuzzed out space disco, travelling freely through worlds both vaguely familiar and largely uncharted. In the studio, a former church turned recording studio and brewery they haunt in the Murder Dubbs of Oakland, they compose their music as a single entity probing the unknown, conjuring resonances until songs emerge.